Clarity XOG: The objectType ‘inboundTransaction’ has been deprecated. Please use the objectType ‘transaction’ instead

Posted @ 02/13/2013  03:43 PM By Federico Pena

Update the “imp_transactions_read.xml” and the “imp_transactions_write.xml” sample files to correct the ‘objectType’ value from “outboundTransaction” and”inboundTransaction” to simply “transaction”. A change was made to the XOG action and if the end-user uses this sample file the following error message is generated: “The object Type ‘inboundTransaction’ has been deprecated. Please use the object Type ‘transaction’ instead”. The user then has to manually change this value.

Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Use the sample “imp_transactions_write.xml” file to create your own valid, financial transactions ; do not alter the “<Header>” element.


    Execute the XOG write action.

Expected Result: I should see no error messages in the xog output results.
Actual Result: But instead I see error message : “The object Type ‘inboundTransaction’ has been deprecated. Please use the objec tType ‘transaction’ instead” in the xog output results.
Change the ‘objectType’ value to “transaction” in the”<Header>” element.
Be sure to type the word “transaction” in lower case letters.
Execute the XOG write action again.
Bug Status/Resolution:

“Solutions provided by CA Technologies”