Clarity: Export to Excel with hyperlinks is hitting 65530-links XML Spreadsheet 2003 limitation, throwing Unknown error when opening the xls

Posted @ 11/30/2012  08:55 AM By Federico Pena

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a large custom portlet with many hyperlink enabled columns
Connect to system with large amount of data and customize the Project list portlet adding more columns and hyperlinks in order to get more than 65530 hyperlinks in one set of results.
2. Select Export to Excel data only

Expected Result: Having the file saved and open successfully.
Actual Result: The saved file doesn’t open, giving Unknown error message when loading.


Remove hyperlinks from some column(s) in order to get less than 65530 hyperlinks in the export.

This issue is documented as CLRT-61890, affects Clarity 12.0, 12.1, 13.0 and is currently under Development’s review.
CLRT-61890 is marked as a duplicate to CLRT-65085.

Status for CLRT-65085:
Resolved in Clarity 12.1.1 Generic Patch. Reference TEC553491
Resolved in Clarity 12.1.3 Generic Patch. Reference TEC570813
Resolved in Clarity 13.1.0
For more information on similar symptoms, reference TEC561736: Unable to open Excel file after Export to Excel (Data Only) when the number of records greater than 3000 rows in Weekly Detail portlet.
For more information on similar symptoms, reference TEC561736: Unable to open Excel file after Export to Excel (Data Only) when the number of records greater than 3000 rows in Weekly Detail portlet

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