Last password change date field is not updating when a resource password is changed via the Clarity admin tool

Posted @ 11/30/2012  09:15 AM By Glen Redden


This has been confirmed by Microsoft Support as a known XML Spreadsheet 2003 limitation: with this format there is a maximum defined of 65530 hyperlinks.
Export to Excel with hyperlinks is hitting 65530-links XML Spreadsheet 2003 limitation, throwing Unknown error when opening the xls

When changing a resource’s password via the Clarity Admin Tool, the Last_Pwd_Change field in the cmn_sec_users table is not updated.
It becomes an issue when GEL scripts are using a dedicated XOG user Id that is not able to log in due to the password change or being expired.

In some cases the dedicated XOG user is not used to log into the Clarity UI therefore Clarity Administrators need to be able to change the password via the
Clarity Admin Tool and have the Last_Pwd_Change field updated to allow the GEL script to log in.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a Resource within Clarity.
2. Wait until the password expires,
3. Change the password from the Clarity Admin Tool>Resources screen.

Expected result: Gel script is able to log into Clarity and complete the XOG

Actual result: Last_Pwd_Change field is not updated, GEL still sees password as expired and cannot log in.


The work around is to log into Clarity as the affected user and change the password via the Account Settings.
Or to run a DB query to manually set LAST_PWD_CHANGE date in the CMN_SEC_USERS table.
Resolved in Clarity 12.1.0 Generic Patch. Reference TEC542313.
Resolved in Clarity 13.1.0 

“Solutions provided by CA Technologies”